A simple KDE network monitor
A simple KDE network monitor that show rx/tx LEDs or numeric information about the transfer rate of any network interface in a system tray icon that's part of kde-extragear package. The source code of the current version (v1.6.2) is avaliable for download at Sourceforge download and from KDE subversion server.
- See network activity, transfer rate, speed chart, IP address, MAC address, etc of any network interface (including localloopback).
- Support multiple network interfaces.
- See simple statistics (packets and bytes received and transmitted).
- Configurable Update Interval, View mode, Icon themes, etc.
- GPL'ed, you can use and modify for free (Following GPL conditions)
- Carrier on/off detection.
Screenshots of KNetStats running on Gentoo with KDE 3.3.x and 3.5.x
![]() KNetStats on system tray |
![]() KNetStats on system tray in textmode |
![]() KNetStats Configure dialog box |
![]() KNetStats interface details dialog box |
KNetStats download is avaliable at sourceforge project download page.
Original sourcecode package (.tar.bz2) is created by me, read the README file to know how to install KNetStats, any other packages are provided by KNetstats users.
Other packages
- Debian packages (Thomas Windheuser).
- Gentoo eBuild (Alexandre Parente Lima)
- Slackware tgz (Cesar Kallas)
- Arch Linux (Jaroslav Lichtblau)
Thanks to all package maintainers.
Help needed
If you know how to create a package for you distro (rpm, deb, etc) you can help! Create and test the package and tell me about.
My public GPG key
You can use my public GnuPG key to test the signature of released files (Finger print: 33FF 1CA9 F308 7E42 DE34 35CA FADB 8E33 39ED 3D69).
If you have any ideas or suggestions about KNetStats feel free to contact me (hugo_pl at
Frequent Asked Questions
Will exists a KDE4 version?
No, or maybe.
I want to translate KNetstats to my language, what can I do?
Read the Translating KNetStats section.
I'm having compile errors!! AAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!.
You need to have kde-libs-devel and qt3-devel package (or anything like it) installed on your system to compile any KDE program.
What's the better "Update Interval" value?
Anything between 250ms and 500ms is nice, but the choices is all your.
I have found too many english errors in this page, are you an illiterate?.
Yes, but I'm from Brazil and english is not my natural language =].
Your program sux! How to unsinstall it?
Type as root:
./configure && make uninstall
Translating KNetStats
KNetstats is now translated by the kde i18n team, if it is not translated for your language, contact the kde-i18n team.
Anyway a special thanks to all translators os previous versions of KNetStats who spent some time translating it.
- Ilyas Bakirov, kirghiz translation.
- Roberto Leandrini, italian translation.
- Carlos Ortiz, spanish translation.
- Henrik Gebauer, deutsch translation.
- Edward Romantsov, russian translation.
- Wiktor Wandachowicz, polish translation.
- Guillaume Savaton, french translation.
- Petar Toushkov, bulgarian translation.
- Liu Di, simplified chinese translation.
- Rotariu Bogdan-Stefan, romanian translation.
Version 1.6.2
- Updated translations.
Version 1.6.1
- Fixed crash when discovering a new interface.
- Disable the -ansi flag to avoid compile problems.
Version 1.6
- More user-friendly, try to detect some things and start without importune the user with configuration dialogs.
Version 1.5
- Added "Chart view".
- New Statistics dialog (show IP address, MAC address, etc).
- Using bksys as building tool.
- Carrier on/off detection.
- Reading interface date from /sys/class/net/INTERFACE/statistics instead of parse /proc/dev/net.
- New translation to romanian.
Version 1.3
- New configuration dialog.
- Support to multiple interfaces.
- Is possible change the colors in the text mode view.
- Is possible change the icon theme of in icon mode.
- Added smooth speed meter.
Version 1.2.1
- Added Russian translation (Edward Romantsov).
- Added Polish translation (Wiktor Wandachowicz).
Version 1.2
- Now using SCons as building and install tool, so you will need to have Python installed in your distro to run SCons scripts and compile/install KNetStats.
- Added Brazilian portuguese translation (Hugo Parente Lima, me).
- Added Kirghiz translation (Ilyas Bakirov).
- Added Italian translation (Roberto Leandrini).
- Bug Fix: When network interface in changed, the Statistics window caption is changed too.
- Bug Fix: Statistics window now correctly format Download/Upload Speed.
- Bug Fix: When start KNetstats with a unavaliable interface, now upload speed is equals to 0pkts/s (not -2pkts/s)
- Bug Fix: When knetstats starts and statistics windows is hidden it is not updated.
Version 1.1.2
- Build system now uses kde-config instead $KDEDIR env. variable. This will solve problems when compiling KNetstats on some distros (Suse 9.1, Fedora).
Version 1.1.1
- Clicking on trayicon show/hide statistics window (suggestion by Fredy Yanardi).
- All dialogs now show the KNetStats icon on windows decoration.
- It's possible to change the font used in textmode (suggestion by Vik).
Version 1.1
- Bug Fix: Not saving UpdateInterval when the network interface is not changed.
- Litle optimizations.
- Added support to TextMode that shows rx/tx transfer rate numeric information.
Version 1.0
- Initial release
Copyright© 2004-2006 Hugo Parente Lima
All images are assembly from KDE3 crystal icon theme images.
View website's source code